Tsukiuta. The Animation

Summer 2016
In the anime series, the members of Six Gravity and Procellarum are all living in the same dorm building. Hajime Mutsuki and Haru Yayoi, the oldest members of Six Gravity, are first year university students. Each episode of the series will feature a different main character.
wcostream is a great site to watch anime Tsukiuta. The Animation, SUB online. You can also watch Tsukiuta. The Animation in HD or SD quality.
In the anime series, the members of Six Gravity and Procellarum are all living in the same dorm building. Hajime Mutsuki and Haru Yayoi, the oldest members of Six Gravity, are first year university students. Each episode of the series will feature a different main character.
Other names: ツキウタ。 THE ANIMATION
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 13 / 13
Views: 1,589
Last Added: 2016-09-28 19:28:12
Release Year: 2016
Status: Completed
Genres: Music
wcostream is a great site to watch anime Tsukiuta. The Animation, SUB online. You can also watch Tsukiuta. The Animation in HD or SD quality.

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